How Our World & Universe Evolved – Explained In Easy Words


The Big Bang

The Big Bang is how a lot of physicians explain how the universe originated.

This “Bang” was an explosion that had a high level of density and was incredibly hot. This made them rapidly expand in our universe.

Closely after that, hydrogen and helium was created. *After that, it made all the matter and energy.

The Dark Ages

After the Big Bang happened, the universe was filled with darkness for about 400 million years.

This was the time when no stars or galaxies existed.

The First Stars and the Galaxies

After about 200 million years from the Big Bang, the first stars and the galaxies appeared for the first time in history.

It is predicted in a theory that the stars were about 30 – 300 times bigger and millions of times brighter than the sun we have right now.

As the universe was cooling off from the high temperature they had, the protons and the neutrons began to combine into the hydrogen.

This hydrogen helped electrons to release their light, which was how the universe was lit up.

The Birth of Earth

After about 195 million years after the first stars formed, it is assumed that our home planet, Earth was born.

Although the planet first started out by only being cloud of dust and gas, a theory suggests that a distant star collapsed creating a supernova (Dying of a planet) which disrupted the dust cloud and caused it to pull together.

This was how the Earth that we know have first formed.

The Beginning Of Our Story

And in about 200,000 years ago, the chapter of the Homo Sapiens (Humans) begins.

As humans are living on Earth right now, the intelligence of this life form has helped to survive on Earth. They are evolving even now to explore the future and the space.


Formation of Earth by National Geographic

The Age of the First Stars by NASA

About the Early Universe by NASA

History of the Universe by NASA

End of the Dark Ages by NASA


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